Fortunate Fall Review: Audacious

Audrey Assad has crafted a beautiful, prayerful experience in her latest album dedicated to the Church.

Released August 13th, Fortunate Fall is Audrey's 3rd album.  Her debut album, The House You're Building, was named Christian Album of 2010 and Christian Breakthrough Album of the Year on Amazon and iTunes, respectively.  This time round, Audrey used Kickstarter to fund what is her first independent album, raising an impressive amount of money from her fans.

The title of the album, Fortunate Fall, is a translation of the Latin phrase, "Felix Culpa" which was used quite often in the writings of Saint Augustine.  Audrey is a converted Catholic and has dedicated her album to the Church in a series of modern hymns.  No matter what your faith background is, this album will speak to you. 

The album is comprised of 3 "movements" which consist of groupings of songs centering around man's need for God, the humility of Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  

Other songs to listen out for are the raw pleadings of I Shall Not Want and Help My Unbelief.   

If you need an album for quiet moments of reflection and prayer, or a simply want a new sound or album to rekindle your faith, this is a must.